Terms of Reference

  • To raise members’ awareness and provide relevant information to members on the following topics as they affect the accountancy profession:
  1. Emerging technology trends, issues and opportunities
  2. Efficient use of technology; and
  3. Guidance on best practice.
  • To contribute guidance and assistance to ICAB on the use of Information Technology in order to effectively interact with its members.
  • To liaise primarily with the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Committee in the determination of subject matter related to technological issues for the CPD programme. The FTC can also collaborate with any other ICAB committee in order to ensure that the technological needs of as many members as possible are met.



CHAIR - Damien Skeete

Sirpaul Jaikaran (Deputy) Andrew Thomas    
Ciaran Burke Nakecha Licorish-Hinds
 Allison James Nicholas King
W. Jaime Lashley  
MEETING DATE & TIME: 3rd Wednesday of every month at 3:00 p.m. (online)